“I have hundreds of images.

Where is the one where…”


Image Archivist

Beta version, work in progress

Image Archivist is a Windows desktop application for saving and searching data about your images. I have done it on my free time.


Thumbnail View

First via File menu you choose a folder whose images you want to save data about. The images in that folder are shown as thumbnails in the view.

Thumbnails of all the images in the selected folder


Via Tools menu you can open Categories dialog where you can manage the categories related to this folder.

Dialog to manage categories


You can filter the images by any word the image data contains or by image category.


Image Data Editing

You can add description, date and category to the image. You can also add and remove tags for the image. The tags have a count which you can use to mark how many items of the tag there are in the image.



Technical Information

Image Archivist is done using WPF, C# and .NET and is mostly following the MVVM architecture, though still some refactoring needs to be done.

The data is saved to an xml file in the folder user has selected.