“Let’s play“
Post-apocalyptic TTB
Work in progress
The project is a tactical turn-based combat game for PC where the player controls a group of characters whose mission is to kill the AI enemies. Combat takes place in a tile-based map. This far I have developed the first iteration of the combat system with simple moving and shooting actions. Assets are free assets from Unity Asset Store.
Squad Selection
First the player selects members to their squad and equip them with guns. The characters have different maximum actions points and healths. The guns have different ranges and costs.
Character’s action points tell how many tiles they can move per turn. The path and cost of moving is shown when the player hovers the mouse over the map.
When character is close enough so that their gun range reaches the enemy, they can shoot at the enemy. By hovering the mouse over the enemy the possibility to hit is shown. It is calculated based on the distance at this point.
The enemies can move and shoot the same way as the playable characters.
Map editor
Next, I will be working on the first iteration of an editor for developers and players to create building blocks for the maps.
In the future I am planning to add a procedural map generation, and skill system for characters.
Technical Information
The game is done using Unity and C#.
The available soldiers and guns in the squad selection view are read from json files.
The player character moving is calculated using A* algorithm.
The enemies make their decisions based on utility AI system. If they have low health, the utility value to move to cover is higher than the utility value for moving closer to shoot the player. If they are in good health and close to player character, the utility to shoot is higher, and the enemy will choose shooting as their action for that turn.